Steamed sea bass fillet

20 minutes
2 people


  • 2 Seabass fillets without skin
  • 2 small potatoes, cut into very thin slices
  • 1 small fennel tuber, thinly sliced
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Small handful of fresh parsley
  • 2 lemon slices


1. Place greaseproof baking paper on the steam basket, leaving 3 cm on each side. Fold the paper into the shape of a basket, into a neatly folded package. Sprinkle the base of the packet with a little olive oil. Put a single layer of the finely chopped potatoes on top, add a dash of olive oil and some herbs. Put the fish on top, a thin layer of fennel, a dash of oil and season to taste. Finish off with the fresh parsley and a slice of lemon.

2. Fold the folds around the packet. Wrap the packet tightly in a piece of foil. Repeat to make the second packet. 

3. Pour 300 ml water into the bottom of the Crockpot Express bowl. Place the steaming basket on top and place the packets on top with a little space in between. Put the lid on, close it and select the steam function.

4. Set the time to 6 minutes of high pressure steaming. Once the appliance has finished cooking, carefully release the pressure according to the appliance's recommended guidelines. Leave the appliance untouched for 5 minutes before opening it.

5. Place each packet on a heated plate, remove the foil and serve the fish in its packet. Enjoy!

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