Junior filter coffee machine
€ 199,-

Junior filter coffee machine

The Espressions Junior works like magic: all the flavours in your selected coffee beans are brought to the surface. Clear tap water becomes super coffee, from the first drop to the last. Never before has a filter coffee machine produced a fuller coffee taste.

€ 199,-
The perfect brew temperature
Also for single cup of coffee
In stock
Convenient Junior filter coffee machine


Removable water tank, easy to fill. The drip stop prevents leaks during filling. 1.25 litres is good for 10 cups of coffee.

Water distribution

Water distribution

Due to the fact that Junior, with its 16 precisely fitted water holes, distributes the water optimally to the ground coffee beans, there is no disproportionate (too long or too short) contact anywhere in the filter, and the aroma result is always optimal.

1 solo cup super filter coffee Junior Coffee Machine

1 solo cup super filter coffee


The water outlet can be determined with the dosing ring. Open it all the way for a full jar. It is ideal that the filter can also be opened halfway, for smaller amounts of coffee. 1 solo cup of excellent filter coffee is now possible!

Double-walled warming pot

Optional: double-walled warming jug

The additional pot, which can be ordered separately, is double-walled. Take the pot with you to the coffee table, for example, to serve hot coffee there for up to half an hour. Just like the single-walled jug, the double-walled version also has the perfect cognac glass shape. Aromas circulate optimally here, for a sensational coffee experience.


Keep warm setting
Cable storage
1550 Watt
1,25 Liter
EP1032, EP1034
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