Soya Milk Maker and More
€ 149,-

Soya Milk Maker and More

The Espressions "Soya Milk Maker and More" is made of high-quality materials and has an insulated double-walled jug with a capacity of 1.3 liters. Use your own recipe or use one of the no fewer than nine pre-programmed functions that the "Soya Milk Maker and More" is rich: soy milk, almond milk, fine soup, quick soy milk, cereal milk, porridge, smoothie, nut milk and rice paste.

€ 149,-
Simple display
Easy in use
In stock

Lactose allergy?

Put the soybeans or almonds in the jug, add water, select the recipe and the Soya Milkmaker and More automatically prepares fresh soy or almond milk.

Hoogwaardige materialen Soya Milk Maker

High-quality materials

All parts that come into contact with the ingredients are made of high-quality stainless steel. In addition, the Soyamilkmaker and More is equipped with an insulated double-walled jug, a clearly readable LCD screen with timer, temperature indication and function display.

Eenvoudige reiniging Soya Milk Maker

Easy cleaning

Cleaning is also a piece of cake.


Keep warm setting
Cable storage
1400 Watt
1,3 Liter
Hi,I would like to know if when making almond or nutmilk, you need to strain it afterwards? Or is there a strain of a filter included in the milk maker?Thank you in advance for your answer.Regards,

Kan er ook gewone koemelk in opgewarmd worden?

Waarom moet amandelmelk maken verwarmt worden? en ik kan de temp daarbij niet veranderen?

Kan de Soya Milk maker ook gebruikt worden om havermelk te maken?

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