Spicy pumpkin soup

30 minutes
4 people


  • 750 g peeled pumpkin cut into pieces
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 red pepper, without seeds
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 600 g hot vegetable stock
  • 100 g cooking cream
  • 50 g oil
  • Pepper and salt
  • Bacon or smoked salmon and chives for garnish


Place the pepper, peeled onion and garlic in the mixing bowl and chop finely 0ºC, 15 sec, position 5. Fry the ingredients in the mixing bowl 80ºC, 5 min, stand 2. Add the hot stock and pumpkin to the mixing bowl and cook the soup at 100ºC, 25 min, stand 2. Puree the soup and place a dishcloth over the lid with the measuring cup and cover securely 0ºC, 30 sec, speed 5. Add the cream and mix for 10 sec on speed 3.

Also interesting.